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Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide
Welcome to the fast seduction 101 player guide or the players guide to the known universe a work in progress most recently updated february 7 2001 brought to you by httpwwwfastseductioncomplease do not crawl or spider this guide at high speed faster than 300 hitshour or faster than 4 hitsminute on average based loosely on tonys how to lay girls guide as of july 10 2000 all words any wordsacronyms asf altseductionfast faq note sections marked with a

Fast Seduction Beginnersguide
Make an important realization first realize and accept the fact that if you are new to all this then you are probably an afc average frustrated chump a nice guy a guy who has no pickup skills and rarely manages to close the deal with a chick realize you must change if whatever youve been doing your whole life has been failing you stop practice in moderation and build skills gradually dont try to learn everything at once dont try to absorb every bit of information and only the

Fast Seduction Vaktermen
Common acronyms slang used on altseductionfast term description attributed to close kiss close or fuck close depends on the context of what the person us talking about close email close also see close close close little grasshopper 101 turning interest on then off then on etc not necessarily at regular intervals 3s 3s rule afc ai ambiguity amog anchor antiai aotp asd asf uasf b bafc bf bl bitch shield bc boot camp bt cf cf cf chyck close close cockblock

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